Python Data Science Essentials

Installing packages directly from Jupyter Notebooks

Jupyter magic commands are really efficient in accomplishing different tasks, but you may sometimes find it difficult to achieve installing new packages during a Jupyter session (and it will happen often since you are using different environments based on conda or env). As Jake VanderPlas explained in his blog post Installing Python Packages from a Jupyter Notebook (, it is a matter of fact that Jupyter kernels are different from the shell you started from, that is, you may be upgrading a wrong environment when you issue magic commands such as !pip install numpy or !conda install --yes numpy.

Unless you are using the default Python kernel that's active on the shell on the notebook, you actually won't succeed because your Jupyter Notebook is pointing to a different kernel than the one operated by pip and conda at a shell level.

The correct approach for installing, let's say, NumPy, using pip under a Jupyter Notebook is by creating a cell like this:

In: import sys
!"{sys.executable}" -m pip install numpy

Instead, if you want to use conda, this is the cell you have to create:

In: import sys
!conda install --yes --prefix "{sys.prefix}" numpy

Just replace numpy with any package you would like to install and then run, and the installation is guaranteed to succeed.