1.4.5 燃气输配
燃气需用量 gas demand,gas load 又称“燃气负荷”
供气 gas delivery,gas supply
用气量 gas consumption
高峰负荷 peak load
城市燃气输配系统 gas transmission and disribution system
城市燃气门站 city gas gate station,town border station
燃气输送干线 gas transmission line,gas main 又称“输气管线”
压缩[机]站 compressor station 又称“压气站”
燃气压缩机 gas compressor
燃气管网系统 gas distribution system,gas network
单级管网系统 single-stage system
两级管网系统 two-stage system
三级管网系统 three-stage system
多级管网系统 multi-stage system
枝状管网 branched network
环状管网 looping network
燃气管道 gas pipeline,gas line
输气管道 transmission pipeline
配气管道 gas distribution pipeline
室内燃气管道 building gas pipe,service pipe,indoor pipe
厂区管道 house-service gas pipe
穿墙管 wall pipe
用户管 service pipe
燃气阀 gas valve
输气压力 distribution pressure
燃气压力调节 gas pressure regulation
燃气调压器 gas pressure regulator,governor
调压站 regulator station
燃气计量 gas metering
燃气表 gas meter,flow meter
燃气储存 gas storage
管道储气 gas line packing
地下储气 gas underground storage
储气罐 gas holder
储配站 gas holder station
液化石油气储存 LPG storage
液化石油气运输 LPG transportation
液化石油气供应 LPG supply,distribution of LPG
液化石油气储配站 LPG distribution station 又称“储罐站”
城市燃气调度 city gas dispatch
火灾报警设备 fire alarm installations
强度试验 pressure test,strength test
气密性试验 tightness test
加臭 odorization
吹扫 blow down,purging,emptying
检漏 leak detection
置换 replacement
腐蚀 corrosion
腐蚀速率 corrosion rate
腐蚀控制 corrosion control
腐蚀电位 corrosion potential
自腐蚀电位 free corrosion potential
防腐层 coating
漏点 holiday
电绝缘 electrical isolation
杂散电流腐蚀 stray-current corrosion
排流保护 electrical drainage protection
阴极保护 cathodic protection
牺牲阳极 sacrificial anode or galvanic anode
牺牲阳极阴极保护 cathodic protection with sacrificial anode
强制电流阴极保护 impressed current cathodic protection
辅助阳极 impressed current anode
参比电极 reference electrode
阴极极化电位 cathodic polarized potential
阴极保护电位 cathodic protective potential