The Master said, “If you can acquire new knowledge while reviewing the old, you may become a teacher of others.”
It means that revision and thinking are very important.
The Master said, “When several men are walking together. I am sure there is one I can learn from. I’d select his merits to follow, and his demerits for reference to correct my own.”
It means that learning from others is better than from books only.
The Master said, “He who is really wise can never be perplexed. He who is really virtuous cannot be unhappy. He who is really brave is never fearful.”
孔子告诉我们,有知识的人能洞察人情世故,掌握正确的思想方法,所以心中不会有疑惑; 有仁爱之心的人,因为心平气和,处处出以公心,所以没有个人的忧虑;勇敢的人,一身正气,不畏强暴,所以不会害怕。孔子希望学生们成为智者、仁者和勇者,只有具备这三种品德,将来才能成为社会的栋梁。
Wise men can observe a reasonable favor and command the right way of thinking. People with benevolence don’t have personal anxiety because of mental calmness and justice. Brave men are not fearful because they possess integrity and resist power and violence. The Master hoped his students could have all three behaviors for being the pillars of society.
姓 名:张博琳
国 籍:中国
组 别:国内少年组
语 种:中英