第11章 半身像和浮雕
Each Roman family that could afford it had busts made of all the members of the family. These busts were handed down in the family so that an old family had a great many busts of its ancestors around the house.Whenever there was a death in the family, all the family portrait busts were carried down the street in the funeral procession.If you had watched one of these processions, you could have seen how much a grandson looked like the bust of his grandfather that he was carrying.
Each Roman emperor, including Augustus, had hundreds of busts made of himself to be sent to all the important cities in the Roman Empire.
Except for the busts, the Romans didn't think they were as good as the Greeks at making statues in-the-round. So when they conquered Greece, they brought back to Rome all the famous Greek statues they could find.They brought back Greek sculptors, too, and made them carve statues in Rome.Many of the statues made in Rome were not original but copies of famous Greek statues.It's lucky for us the copies were made because so many of the
great Greek statues were lost.If we hadn’t been able to dig up Roman copies of them, we wouldn’t know at all what they were like.
You remember Myron's The Discus Thrower. The bronze statue that Myron himself made disappeared and has never been found.But the Romans admired it, described it carefully in writing, and copied it several times in stone, and so we know what it was like.The Romans used stone instead of bronze, maybe because they wanted to save metal for their armies or maybe because it was easier to carve than cast metal.But as you probably remember, stone cannot support itself as bronze can so the figures needed an extra piece of support, like a carved tree stump, to keep it from falling over and breaking.
Although the Romans weren't as good as the Greeks at making statues in-the-round, they did make some excellent bas-reliefs. Many young people like the reliefs showing the campaigns of the Emperor Trajan.They show the Roman soldiers
marching, camping, fighting, taking a city, capturing prisoners, and carrying off the spoils of war.Trajan’s campaign was carved on a marble column and the sculptured band winds around the column from the bottom to the top like a corkscrew.The column is still standing in Rome and is called Trajan’s Column.There are so many tiny figures that the story depicted is very difficult for us to interpret as we look up the column.But in the time of the Romans, the scenes were probably seen in the same way that a television account of war might be today.
Another famous relief is carved on the Altar of Peace of Augustus, which the Roman Senate ordered to be erected in 13 B. C.when the Emperor Augustus came back from putting down revolts in the western part of the Roman Empire.
So if anyone should ask you what kind of sculpture the Romans did best, just tell them,“Reliefs and busts.”