This standard is jointly prepared by Sinoma Energy Conservation Ltd.with other relevant units,according to the requirements of Document JIANBIAO〔2014〕No.189 issued by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development(MOHURD)–“Notice on Printing and Distributing the Development and Revision Plan of Engineering Construction Standard in 2015”.
The standard consists of 19 chapters and 1 appendix,covering:general requirements,terms,basic requirements,waste heat resource,thermodynamic system and installed capacity,general layout,main power building,waste heat boiler and system,turbine equipment and system,water supply and drainage system and its facility,water treatment equipment and system,information system,electric power system,electrical equipment and system,thermal engineering automation,heating and ventilation,building structure,environmental protection,labor safety and occupational health,ancillary and auxiliary facility,etc..
The main contents revised this time are overall reformulation of related chapters and several chapters are added in,including information system,environmental protection,labor safety and occupational health,in accordance with the feedback information after the implementation of Code for design of waste heat power generation in cement plant GB 50588-2010.
In this standard,The provisions printed in bold type are mandatory ones and must be implemented strictly.
This standard is under the jurisdiction of,and its mandatory provisions are interpreted by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development,the National Building Materials Industry Standard Rating Station is in charge of the routine management,and Sinoma Energy Conservation Ltd.is in charge of the explanation of the technical specification.During the implementation of this standard,in case of any modification or supplement,please send the comments and suggestions to Sinoma Energy Conservation Ltd.(Address:20thFloor,Building C,Beiche nPlaza,No.1 Longzhou Road,Beichen District,Tianjin City,Zip code:300400).
Chief Development Organization,Co-Development Organizations,Chief Drafters and Chief Reviewers of this standard:
Chief Development Organization:
Sinoma Energy Conservation Ltd.
Co-Development Organizations:
Wuhan Building Material Industry Design&Research Institute Co.,Ltd.
Nanjing Kisen Cement Technology Engineering Co.,Ltd.
Yangzhou Gaobiao Machinery Co.,Ltd.
Chief Drafters:
Yu Guangkun Dong Lanqi Wei Lianyou Zhu Qiang Yan Suling
Gao Lianhai Wang Caixia Hu Xishuan Xu Zheng Jiang Wei
Hou Bincai Fang Ming Li Huiqian Wu Youhuan Sun Minglan
Zhang Hongna Wang Liqun Zhao He
Chief Reviewers:
Zeng Xuemin Shi Jinglin Lu Bingquan Ding Qisheng Peng Yan
Wang Daqian Chen Yuan Wen Baiming Yang Tierong