Hadoop demystified – a quick reckoner
We will now discuss the need to process huge multistructured data and the challenges involved in processing such huge data using traditional distributed applications. We will also discuss the advent of Hadoop and how it efficiently addresses these challenges.
The enterprise context
The last decade has been a defining moment in the history of data, resulting in enterprises adopting new business models and opportunities piggybacking on the large-scale growth of data.
The proliferation of Internet searches, personalization of music, tablet computing, smartphones, 3G networks, and social media contributed to the change in rules of data management, from organizing, acquiring, storing, and retrieving data to managing perspectives. The need for decision making for these new sources of data and getting valuable insights has become a valuable weapon in the enterprise arsenal, aimed to make the enterprise successful.
Traditional systems, such as RDBMS-based data warehouses, took the lead to support the decision-making process by being able to collect, store, and manage data by applying traditional and statistical methods of measurement to create a reporting and analysis platform. The data collected within these traditional systems were highly structured in nature with minimal flexibility to change with the needs of the emerging data types, which were more unstructured.
These data warehouses are capable of supporting distributed processing applications, but with many limitations. Such distributed processing applications are generally oriented towards taking in structured data, transforming it, and making it usable for analytics or reporting, and these applications were predominantly batch jobs. In some cases, these applications are run on a cluster of machines so that the computation and data are distributed to the nodes of the cluster. These applications take a chunk of data, perform a computationally intense operation on it, and send it to downstream systems for another application or system to consume.
With the competitive need to analyze both structured and unstructured data and gain insights, the current enterprises need the processing to be done on an unprecedentedly massive scale of data. The processing mostly involves performing operations needed to clean, profile, and transform unstructured data in combination with the enterprise data sources so that the results can be used to gain useful analytical insights. Processing these large datasets requires many CPUs, sufficient I/O bandwidth, Memory, and so on. In addition, whenever there is large-scale processing, it implies that we have to deal with failures of all kinds. Traditional systems such as RDBMS do not scale linearly or cost effectively under this kind of tremendous data load or when the variety of data is unpredictable.
In order to process the exceptional influx of data, there is a palpable need for data management technology solutions; this allows us to consume large volumes of data in a short amount of time across many formats, with varying degrees of complexity to create a powerful analytical platform that supports decisions.
Common challenges of distributed systems
Before the genesis of Hadoop, distributed applications were trying to cope with the challenges of data growth and parallel processing in which processors, network, and storage failure was common. The distributed systems often had to manage the problems of failure of individual components in the ecosystem, arising out of low disk space, corrupt data, performance degradations, routing issues, and network congestion. Achieving linear scalability in traditional architectures was next to impossible and in cases where it was possible to a limited extent, it was not without incurring huge costs.
High availability was achieved, but at a cost of scalability or compromised integrity. The lack of good support for concurrency, fault tolerance, and data availability were unfavorable for traditional systems to handle the complexities of Big Data. Apart from this, if we ever want to deploy a custom application, which houses the latest predictive algorithm, distributed code has its own problems of synchronization, locking, resource contentions, concurrency control, and transactional recovery.
Few of the previously discussed problems of distributed computing have been handled in multiple ways within the traditional RDBMS data warehousing systems, but the solutions cannot be directly extrapolated to the Big Data situation where the problem is amplified exponentially due to huge volumes of data, and its variety and velocity. The problems of data volume are solvable to an extent. However, the problems of data variety and data velocity are prohibitively expensive to be solved by these attempts to rein in traditional systems to solve Big Data problems.
As the problems grew with time, the solution to handle the processing of Big Data was embraced by the intelligent combination of various technologies, such as distributed processing, distributed storage, artificial intelligence, multiprocessor systems, and object-oriented concepts along with Internet data processing techniques
The advent of Hadoop
Hadoop, a framework that can tolerate machine failure, is built to outlast challenges concerning the distributed systems discussed in the previous section. Hadoop provides a way of using a cluster of machines to store and process, in parallel, extremely huge amounts of data. It is a File System-based scalable and distributed data processing architecture, designed and deployed on a high-throughput and scalable infrastructure.
Hadoop has its roots in Google, which created a new computing model built on a File System, Google File System (GFS), and a programming framework, MapReduce, that scaled up the search engine and was able to process multiple queries simultaneously. Doug Cutting and Mike Cafarella adapted this computing model of Google to redesign their search engine called Nutch. This eventually led to the development of Nutch as a top-level Apache project under open source, which was adopted by Yahoo in 2006 and finally metamorphosed into Hadoop.
The following are the key features of Hadoop:
- Hadoop brings the power of embarrassingly massive parallel processing to the masses.
- Through the usage of File System storage, Hadoop minimizes database dependency.
- Hadoop uses a custom-built distributed file-based storage, which is cheaper compared to storing on a database with expensive storages such as Storage Area Network (SAN) or other proprietary storage solutions. As data is distributed in files across the machines in the cluster, it provides built-in redundancy using multinode replication.
- Hadoop's core principle is to use commodity infrastructure, which is linearly scalable to accommodate infinite data without degradation of performance. This implies that every piece of infrastructure, be it CPU, memory, or storage, added will create 100 percent scalability. This makes data storage with Hadoop less costly than traditional methods of data storage and processing. From a different perspective, you get processing done for every TB of storage space added to the cluster, free of cost.
- Hadoop is accessed through programmable Application Programming Interfaces (APIs) to enable parallel processing without the limitations imposed by concurrency. The same data can be processed across systems for different purposes, or the same code can be processed across different systems.
- The use of high-speed synchronization to replicate data on multiple nodes of the cluster enables a fault-tolerant operation of Hadoop.
- Hadoop is designed to incorporate critical aspects of high availability so that the data and the infrastructure are always available and accessible by users.
- Hadoop takes the code to the data rather than the other way round; this is called data locality optimization. This local processing of data and storage of results on the same cluster node minimizes the network load gaining overall efficiencies.
- To design fault tolerant applications, the effort involved to add the fault tolerance part is sometimes more than the effort involved in solving the actual data problem at hand. This is where Hadoop scores heavily. It enables the application developer to worry about writing applications by decoupling the distributed system's fault tolerance from application logic. By using Hadoop, the developers no longer deal with the low-level challenges of failure handling, resource management, concurrency, loading data, allocating, and managing the jobs on the various nodes in the cluster; they can concentrate only on creating applications that work on the cluster, leaving the framework to deal with the challenges.
Hadoop under the covers
Hadoop consists of the Hadoop core and Hadoop subprojects. The Hadoop core is essentially the MapReduce processing framework and the HDFS storage system.
The integral parts of Hadoop are depicted in the following diagram:

Typical Hadoop stack
The following is an explanation of the integral parts of Hadoop:
- Hadoop Common: This includes all the library components and utilities that support the ecosystem
- Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS): This is a filesystem that provides highly available redundant distributed data access for processing using MapReduce
- Hadoop MapReduce: This is a Java-based software framework to operate on large datasets on a cluster of nodes, which store data (HDFS)
Few Hadoop-related top level Apache projects include the following systems:
- Avro: This a data serialization and deserialization system
- Chukwa: This is a system for log data collection
- SQOOP: This is a structured data collection framework that integrates with RDBMS
- HBase: This is a column-oriented scalable, distributed database that supports millions of rows and columns to store and query in real-time structured data using HDFS
- Hive: This is a structured data storage and query infrastructure built on top of HDFS, which is used mainly for data aggregation, summarization, and querying
- Mahout: This is a library of machine-learning algorithms written specifically for execution on the distributed clusters
- Pig: This is a data-flow language and is specially designed to simplify the writing of MapReduce applications
- ZooKeeper: This is a coordination service designed for distributed applications
Understanding the Hadoop Distributed File System
The Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) is a File System that provides highly available redundant data access to process using MapReduce. The HDFS addresses two major issues in large-scale data storage and processing. The first problem is that of data locality in which code is actually sent to the location of the data in the cluster, where the data has already been divided into manageable blocks so that each block can be independently processed and the results combined. The second problem deals with the capability to tolerate faults at any subsystem level (it can be at the CPU, network, storage, memory, or application level) owing to the reliance on commodity hardware, which is assumed to be less reliant, unless proven otherwise. In order to address these problems, the architecture of HDFS was inspired by the early lead taken by the GFS.
The three primary goals of HDFS architecture are as follows:
- Process extremely large files ranging from multiple gigabytes to petabytes.
- Streaming data processing to read data at high-throughput rates and process data while reading.
- Capability to execute on commodity hardware with no special hardware requirements.
HDFS has two important subsystems. One is NameNode, which is the master of the system that maintains and manages the blocks that are present in the other nodes. The second one is DataNodes, which are slave nodes working under the supervision of the NameNode and deployed on each machine to provide the actual storage. These nodes collectively serve read and write requests for the clients, which store and retrieve data from them. This is depicted in the following diagram:

JobTracker and NameNode
The master node is the place where the metadata of the data splits is stored in the memory. This metadata is used at a later point in time to reconstruct the complete data stored in the slave nodes, enabling the job to run on various nodes. The data splits are replicated on a minimum of three machines (the default replication factor). This helps in situations when the hardware of the slave nodes fails and the data can be readily recoverable from the machines where the redundant copy was stored, and the job was executed on one of those machines. Together, these two account for the storage, replication, and management of the data in the entire cluster.
On a Hadoop cluster, the data within the filesystem nodes (data nodes) are replicated on multiple nodes in the cluster. This replication adds redundancy to the system in case of machine or subsystem failure; the data stored in the other machines will be used for the continuation of the processing step. As the data and processing coexist on the same node, linear scalability can be achieved by simply adding a new machine and gaining the benefit of an additional hard drive and the computation capability of the new CPU (scale out).
It is important to note that HDFS is not suitable for low-latency data access, or storage of many small files, multiple writes, and arbitrary file modifications.
Understanding MapReduce
MapReduce is a programming model that manipulates and processes huge datasets; its origin can be traced back to Google, which created it to solve the scalability of search computation. Its foundations are based on principles of parallel and distributed processing without any database dependency. The flexibility of MapReduce lies in its ability to process distributed computations on large amounts of data in clusters of commodity servers, with a facility provided by Hadoop and MapReduce called data locality, and a simple task-based model for management of the processes.
MapReduce primarily makes use of two components; a JobTracker, which is a Master node daemon, and the TaskTrackers, which run in all the slave nodes. It is a slave node daemon. This is depicted in the following diagram:

MapReduce internals
The developer writes a job in Java using the MapReduce framework, and submits it to the master node of the cluster, which is responsible for processing all the underlying data with the job.
The master node consists of a daemon called JobTracker
, which assigns the job to the slave nodes. The JobTracker
class, among other things, is responsible for copying the JAR file containing the task on to the node containing the task tracker so that each of the slave node spawns a new JVM to run the task. The copying of the JAR to the slave nodes will help in situations that deal with slave node failure. A node failure will result in the master node assigning the task to another slave node containing the same JAR file. This enables resilience in case of node failure.
A MapReduce job is implemented as two functions:
- The Map function: A user writes a Map function, which receives key-value pairs as input, processes it, and emits a list of key-value pairs.
- The Reduce function: The Reduce function, written by the user, will accept the output of the Map function, that is, the list of intermediate key-value pairs. These values would be typically merged to form a smaller set of values and hence the name Reduce. The output could be just zero or one output value per each reducer invocation.
The following are the other components of the MapReduce framework as depicted in the previous diagram:
- Combiner: This is an optimization step and is invoked optionally. It is a function specified to execute a Reduce-like processing on the Mapper side and perform map-side aggregation of the intermediate data. This will reduce the amount of data transferred over the network from the Mapper to the Reducer.
- Partitioner: This is used to partition keys of the map output. The key is used to develop a partition by grouping all values of a key together in a single partition. Sometimes default partitions can be created by a hash function.
- Output: This collects the output of Mappers and Reducers.
- Job configuration: This is the primary user interface to manage MapReduce jobs to specify the Map, Reduce functions, and the input files.
- Job input: This specifies the input for a MapReduce job.