About the Reviewers
Kyung Huh is currently working as a consultant in Korea. He has been working with Linux and open source software for more than 15 years as an instructor and consultant. He has experience in Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization in many production environments and also has experience in open source software such as clustering, performance tuning, and troubleshooting.
René Koch is a senior solution architect and consultant, focusing on open source virtualization, Linux, system management, and system monitoring. He started working with Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization and oVirt in 2010 and implemented various environments on the customer side. As part of the oVirt community, he is not only an active member on the oVirt mailing list, but also gives lectures about Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization and oVirt in Austria and Germany. Furthermore, he is the author of two open source projects: the Nagios plugin check_rhev3—which is used to monitor the whole RHEV environment with Nagios and Icinga—and Monitoring UI-Plugin—which is a user interface plugin for Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization and oVirt that integrates Nagios-based monitoring environments into the RHEV WebAdmin portal.
Anil Vettathu started his interaction with Linux in college. He started his career in 2006 as a Linux System Administrator. He has specialized in Open Source Virtualization technologies, especially KVM. He had the opportunity to work on RHEV from its very early versions. Currently, he is working as a TAM for Red Hat.
Marcus Young recently graduated with a degree in Computer Science and Mathematics before getting involved in system administration and DevOps. He currently works in software automation using open source tools and Red-Hat-flavored operating systems in RHEV and AWS virtualization environments. His hobbies include playing ice hockey and making homebrewed beer. He has also developed many hardware projects based on devices such as Arduino, Raspberry Pi, UDOO, and others.
I'd like to thank my beautiful fiancé for putting up with many of my projects and work items that make their way into my free time. I would also like to thank my newborn son who will continue to inspire me to keep pushing myself.