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Disadvantages to CoAP

There are also some disadvantages to CoAP:

  • Message unreliability: UDP does not guarantee the delivery of datagrams. CoAP adds a method to request a confirmation acknowledgement to confirm the message was received. This does not verify that it was received in its entirety and decoded properly.
  • Standards are still maturing: CoAP is still evolving, although there is a lot of market momentum behind it. It is likely to mature quickly as use becomes more widespread.
  • NAT issues: Network Address Translation (NAT) devices are commonly used in enterprise networks and cloud environments. CoAP can have problems communicating with devices behind a NAT since the IP can be dynamic over time.
  • Security: Like MQTT, CoAP is unencrypted by default. This makes it natively unsecure and you need to take additional steps to make sure communication is not open to hackers.