Multiple exports
So far, we have only shown how to export one construct. It is possible to export multiple things from one module by adding an export keyword next to all constructs that you wish to export, like so:
export class Math {
add() {}
subtract() {}
export const PI = 3.14
Essentially, for everything you want to make public you need to add an export keyword at the start of it. There is an alternate syntax, where instead of adding an export keyword to every construct, we can instead define within curly brackets what constructs should be exported. It looks like this:
class Math {
add() {}
subtract() {}
const PI = 3.14
export {
Math, PI
Whether you put export in front of every construct or you place them all in an export {}, then end result is the same, it's just a matter of taste which one to use. To consume constructs from this module, we would type:
import { Math, PI } from './module';
Here, we have the option of specifying what we want to import. In the previous example, we have opted to export both Math and PI, but we could be content with only exporting Math, for example; it is up to us.