In this chapter, I have introduced the most important projects that are part of Spring Cloud. I have pointed out several areas to which I assigned each of those projects. After reading this chapter, you should be able to recognize which library has to be included in your application to able to implement patterns such as service discovery, distributed configuration, circuit breaker, or load balancer. You should also recognize the differences between application context, and bootstrap context and understand how to include dependencies in the project using dependency management based on the release trains concept. The last thing I wanted to draw your attention to in this chapter were some tools integrated with Spring Cloud such as Consul, Zookeeper, RabbitMQ, or Zipkin. I described all of them in some details. I also pointed out the projects responsible for interaction with those tools.
This chapter completes the first part of the book. In this part, the main goal was to get you into the basics related to Spring Cloud project. After reading it you should be able to recognize the most important elements of microservices-based architecture, effectively use Spring Boot to create simple and more advanced microservices, and finally, you should also be able to list all of the most popular subprojects being that are a part of Spring Cloud. Now, we may proceed to the next part of the book and discuss in detail those subprojects, which are responsible for implementing common patterns of distributed systems in Spring Cloud. Most of them are based on Netflix OSS libraries. We will begin with the solution providing service registry, Eureka discovery server.