Building an RPG with Unity 2018

Environment assets

The general theme of our game will be medieval. There are several ways to go about this. The first and preferred way is to either create the environment models by yourself or a with a teammate; the second is to find a freely available model that has been created by a third party; and the third is to purchase 3D models created by a third party.

The Asset Store is a great place for you to start hunting for great content if you do not have the ability to create your own 3D models. You can use the Asset Store to search for medieval-themed environments that can be used for the game.

One of my favorites is called Medieval Environment Pack. You might want to consider searching for a few more that are to your liking and taste.

The following are some things to consider as part of your environment assets:

  • Buildings
  • Props and add-ons:
    • Banners
    • Barrels
    • Windows
    • Boxes
    • Wagons
  • Rocks / plants / trees
  • Particle assets:
    • Fire
    • Fog
    • Smoke
    • Water
  • Skyboxes

This list is just a starting point, but it is a starting point for your environment assets.

I am using the following environment assets as a demonstration for the book, but you are more than welcome to choose any other package you wish.