This code isprepared by China Third Metallurgical Group Co.,Ltd.,China MCC5 Group Corp.Ltd.,Ansteel Mine Construction Co.,Ltd.and other relevant organizations according to the requirements of Document JIANBIAOHAN[2005]NO.124 issued by Ministry of Construction(MOC)-"Notice on Printing'the Development and Revision Plan(the 2nd batch)of National Engineering Construction Standards in 2005'".
During developing this code,the development team studied the current national laws,regulations and standards,conducted inquiry and investigation,analyzed the experience of years in quality acceptance inspection of electrical equipment installation in metallurgy,discussed and revised the clauses of this code repeatedly,solicited opinions from the relevant organizations and experts and finalized this version after careful review.
This code consists of 26 chapters and six appendices.This revision has changed the applicable range from 220kV to 500kV.The chapters related to power transformer,transformer,reactor,lightening arrester,capacitor,storage battery,low-voltage apparatus,crane electrical equipment,trolley line and travelling flexible cable,electrical piping,electrical lighting,overhead line,etc.,were added.
This code may be subject to partial revision in the future,and the information about the revision as well as the revised contents will be published in the journal Standardization of Engineering Construction.
The provision(s)printed in bold type is(are)compulsory one(ones)and must be enforced strictly.
This code is under the jurisdiction of,and its mandatory provisions are interpreted by the Ministry of Construction,whereas China Third Metallurgical Construction Corp.is responsible for the interpretation of specific contents.All relevant organizations are kindly invited to summarize and accumulate actual experiences when implementing this code.Relevant comments and recommendations,whenever necessary,should be submitted to the technical quality department of China Third Metallurgical Construction Corp.(Address:No 139,Dongjian Street,Lishan District,Anshan City,Liaoning Province.Zip code:114039,Email:hezhijiang2005@163.com,Fax:0412-6311035)for future revision.
Chief Development Organization,Participating Development Organizations and Chief Drafting Staff of this code:
Chief Development Organization:
China Third Metallurgical Group Co.,Ltd.
Participating Development Organizations:
China MCC5 Group Corp.
Ltd and Ansteel Mine Construction Co.,Ltd.
Chief Drafting Staff:
He Zhijiang Guan Zhenyi Liu Mingwei Ren Chuankai Tang Hongzhi
Zhang Shaoqing Li Shibao Ding WeiZhang Yongji Cai Yue
Zhou Jiazhi Wu Hao