Section 3 Advanced 高级飞跃
□firm believer in 对……的深信者,坚信……的人
□a first step to 第一步,首先要做的事情
□in this day and age 如今,这个时代
□shouldn't be surprised 不应感到奇怪,这并不奇怪
□thanks to 由于,多亏
□hotly debated 激烈地争论
□If you ask me 如果你想知道我的观点,如果你想听我的观点
□factors have contributed 这些因素导致(促成)了
□That's all I'm saying 这就是我想说的,仅此而已
□in a nutshell 简言之,总而言之
□Not quite. 不全是。/未必见得。
□better off in terms of 在……方面富裕多了(日子好起来了)
□As for... nothing beats 至于……没有什么更胜于
□Come to think of it 经你这么一提醒,我想起来了
□I can tell you first-hand 我可以直接告诉你,我可以凭我自己的经验告诉你
□You can rest assured... 你可以放心
1. firm believer in
释 I believe strongly that...对……的深信者,坚信……的人
例 I'm a firm believer in people standing on their own two feet.我坚信自食其力的人。
2. a first step to
释 a first move第一步,首先要做的事情
例 As a first step, we should always wash our hands thoroughly before sitting down to eat.
3. in this day and age
释 in today's world如今,这个时代
例 In this day and age, we have to learn to be more tolerant of each other.
4. shouldn't be surprised
释 should not think of it as unusual/should not come as a surprise不应感到奇怪,这并不奇怪
例 We shouldn't be surprised if he ups and leaves some day/one day.
5. thanks to
释 because of由于,多亏
例 Thanks to my upbringing and education, I have no problems getting ahead in life.
6. hotly debated
释 controversial激烈地争论
例 Their motives for going to war have been hotly debated for years.
7. If you ask me
释 If you want my opinion on the matter如果你想知道我的观点,如果你想听我的观点
例 If you ask me, you were very lucky. You were in the right place at the right time.
8. factors have contributed
释 the elements that helped (cause sth.) 这些因素导致(促成)了
例 We know all the factors that contributed to the financial crisis.
9. That's all I'm saying.
释 I'm just saying this. That's all.这就是我想说的,仅此而已
例 His comment was uncalled for. That's all I'm saying.
10. in a nutshell
释 briefly speaking简言之,总而言之
例 In a nutshell, we don't have the resources to continue the project.
11. Not quite.
释 Not exactly.不全是,未必见得。
例 A: Have you finished running errands yet?
B: Not quite. I still have a few more to do.
12. better off in terms of
释 doing better in relation to… 在……方面富裕多了(日子好起来了)
例 A: You can't deny that we're better off in almost every way, compared to our ancestors.
B: In what way?
A: In terms of health, leisure time and the freedom to be what we want to be.
B: You have a point there.
13. As for... nothing beats
释 When it comes to... nothing is better than/In relation to…nothing is better than...至于……没有什么更胜于
例 As for tennis tournaments, nothing beats Wimbledon.
14. Come to think of it
释 Now that you remind me/Now that I think about it/Now that I'm reminded/Now that you remind me,经你这么一提醒,我想起来了
例 Come to think of it, that's not the first time I've heard that story.
15. I can tell you first-hand
释 I can tell you from my own experience我可以直接告诉你,我可以凭我自己的经验告诉你
例 I can tell you first-hand that the good old days weren't necessarily that great. Mind you, we did have more adventure growing up than kids do nowadays.
16. You can rest assured...
释 You can be certain that...你可以放心
例 You can rest assured that the neighborhood is very safe at night.你可以放心,这附近晚上非常安全。
Kate: I'm a firm believer in choosing the right food,as a first step to a healthy diet.
Jack: I agree.I think in this day and age,with so much processed food replacing traditional fresh produce, we shouldn't be surprised that so many young people are developing diseases we used to associate with the elderly.
Kate: Yes. Diabetes, for example, is now more common in teenagers than ever before,thanks to the over-consumption of fast food.
Jack: It's funny, isn't it? On the one hand, we're inundated with competing diet infomercials and the latest exercise machines, but at the same time we are encouraged to take life easy and live life to the full.
Kate: Good point. You know, food and how we grow it, process it and eat it,have been hotly debated for years.
Jack:If you ask me,I think the more rapid urbanization of the world and the higher costs of fresh farm produce, not to mention, smaller household budgets and changing lifestyles, have led to more competition, to feed larger and larger populations with cheaper and more easily prepared foods.
Kate: So you're blaming greater urbanization, higher food costs, smaller household budgets and changing lifestyles for our decline in health?
Jack: That's too simplistic.All these factors have contributed to our changing diets.That's all I'm saying.
Kate: OK.So,in a nutshell,we've leftour traditional diets behind,and have completely embraced micro-wave ready meals.
Jack:Not quite.But in some respects,we were better off in terms of our diets twenty or thirty years ago.
Kate: What about drinking? What should we be drinking?
Jack:As for drinking,nothing beats drinking lots of water.It refreshes, cools, cleans and nourishes our bodies.
Kate: Some say water is the ultimate cure-all.
Jack: I wouldn't go that far, but there is no doubt that we can't do without it.
Kate:Come to think of it,other drinks that are good for you include tea, especially green tea, flower tea and pu'er tea.
Jack: Absolutely correct. Maybe you think it's old-fashioned to drink tea, but I'm a firm believer in the curative and medicinal properties of tea.I can tell you first-hand,how drinking tea every day helped me. Even if you think it doesn't do anything for you,you can rest assured it's certainly not bad for you.
Kate: Wow, this conversation has certainly been very lively and very enlightening.