第152章 XIX.
As up the flinty path they strained, Sudden his steed the leader reined;A signal to his squire he flung, Who instant to his stirrup sprung:--'Seest thou, De Vaux, yon woodsman gray, Who townward holds the rocky way, Of stature tall and poor array?
Mark'st thou the firm, yet active stride, With which he scales the mountain-side?
Know'st thou from whence he comes, or whom?'
'No, by my word;--a burly groom He seems, who in the field or chase A baron's train would nobly grace--'
'Out, out, De Vaux! can fear supply, And jealousy, no sharper eye?
Afar, ere to the hill he drew, That stately form and step I knew;Like form in Scotland is not seen, Treads not such step on Scottish green.
'Tis James of Douglas, by Saint Serle!
The uncle of the banished Earl.
Away, away, to court, to show The near approach of dreaded foe:
The King must stand upon his guard;
Douglas and he must meet prepared.'
Then right-hand wheeled their steeds, and straight They won the Castle's postern gate.