更新时间:2021-07-09 21:20:08
Mastering Android Application Development
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Chapter 1. Getting Started
Introducing Material Design
Introducing Android 6 Marshmallow
Creating MasteringAndroidApp
Getting the tools ready
Chapter 2. Designing our App
Selecting an app-navigation pattern
Chapter 3. Creating and Accessing Content from the Cloud
Creating your own cloud database
Storing and consuming content from Parse
Google Volley and OkHttp
JSON and Gson
Chapter 4. Concurrency and Software Design Patterns
Concurrency in Android
The importance of patterns
Chapter 5. Lists and Grids
Starting with lists
Introducing RecyclerView
Chapter 6. CardView and Material Design
CardView and UI design tips
The design support library
Chapter 7. Image Handling and Memory Management
Downloading images
Mastering images
Memory management
Chapter 8. Databases and Loaders
Creating the database
Content providers
Sync database with UI
Chapter 9. Push Notifications and Analytics
Push notifications
The importance of analytics
Chapter 10. Location Services
Configuring the project
Adding the map
Adding a marker
Chapter 11. Debugging and Testing on Android
Logs and the debug mode
Testing on Android
Testing from a UI perspective
Continuous integration
Chapter 12. Monetization the Build Process and Release
Using build variants
Monetization in Android
Releasing our app to Play Store